About Breakfast Hours

TheBreakfastHours.Info is an informational website that focuses on providing accurate information about breakfast times.

This site was specially created for those of you who want to enjoy the real pleasures of life.

I love breakfast; it’s my favourite meal of the day. There are probably a lot of people out there who love it just as much as I do.

The problem is that those of us who like breakfast more than anything like to go out to eat at breakfast buffets, fast-food restaurants, and other nice places. Yet, sometimes, we head out to some of these restaurants, and when we finally get there, they’re closed.


Well, I got tired of that happening to me. One day, I woke up and tried to grab a nice breakfast meal at a nearby restaurant, but I wasn’t able to because I couldn’t get there on time.

I got there too late for a simple reason. I looked for hours of operation online and found a website, but the information they posted was wrong.

I said no more.

I made a promise to myself that that would never happen again.

So, I developed a system to identify in real-time when breakfast was served and stopped being served at popular restaurants around the country and local restaurants nearby.

Once I confirmed that my system worked flawlessly, I decided it was time to give back to the community. So, I started helping people around close to me, like family and friends.

One day, a friend of mine suggested that I try to help even more people by building a website that offers accurate information about the opening and closing times of the top restaurants in the country.

Although a simple concept, it is beneficial and also very needed.

I immediately thought it was a great idea. Long story short, the website is now live; I hope you like it.

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